Wietfelt, Gottlieb Bassoon

There is 1 Gottlieb Wietfelt (1706-1768) bassoon in the Hichwa-Rachor database. He flourished in Burgdorf from a1738 till his death in 1768. He is the son of Harmen Wietfelt.

Gottieb Wietfelt Literature

Dart, Mathew. The Baroque Bassoon: form, construction, acoustics, and playing qualities. PhD thesis, London Metropolitan University, 2011. pp. 211-219, 491-500. 

Jansen, Will. The Bassoon: Its History, Construction, Makers, Players and Music. Frits Knuf, 1978 Vol. 1, p. 516.

Dullat, Günter. Verzeichnis der Holz- und Metallblasinstrumentenmacher auf Deutschsprachigem Gebiet von 1500 bis Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Scheider, 2010.

Wietfelt, Gottlieb, 4 key bassoon; WietfeltG1-O-Waterhouse

WietfeltG1-O-Waterhouse General Information

WietfeltG1-O-Waterhouse Data Spreadsheet

WietfeltG1-O-Waterhouse Photos