Kirst, Friedrich Bassoons

There are 2 Friedrich Kirst (1750-1806) bassoons in the Hichwa-Rachor database. He apprenticed with August Grenser in Leipzig and worked in Potsdam. In 1772, he was granted a “privilegium privatum” to supply woodwind instruments to the entire Prussian army.

Friedrich Kirst Literature

Dullat, Günter. Verzeichnis der Holz- und Metallblasinstrumentenmacher auf Deutschsprachigem Gebiet von 1500 bis Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts, Scheider, 2010.

Heyde, Herbert. Musikinstrumentenbau in Preussen. Schneider, 1994.

Jansen, Will. The Bassoon: Its History, Construction, Makers, Players and Music. Frits Knuf, 1978, Vol. 1, pp. 412-413.

Waterhouse, William. The Proud Bassoon, 1983.

Waterhouse, William. The New Langwill Index. London: Tony Bingham, 1993.

Waterhouse, William. The Proud Bassoon. Edinburgh University Collection of Historic Musical Instruments, 1982, p. 14.

Young, Phillip. 4900 Historical Woodwind Instruments. Tony Bingham, 1993.

Kirst, Friedrich, 7 key bassoon; Kirst1-O-Waterhouse

Kirst1-O-Waterhouse General Information

Kirst1-O-Waterhouse Data Spreadsheet

Kirst1-O-Waterhouse Photos

Kirst, Friedrich, 6 key bassoon; Kirst2-O-Prague1785

Kirst2-O-Prague1785 General Information

Kirst2-O-Prague1785 Data Spreadsheet

Kirst2-O-Prague1785 Photos