Floth, Johann Bassoon

There is 1 Johann Floth (1761-1807) bassoon in the Hichwa-Rachor database. He flourished in Dresden from c.1803 until 1807. He was  Jakob Grundmann’s partner and successor, and after Grundmann’s death he married his widow.

Johann Floth Literature

Dullat, Günter. Verzeichnis der Holz- und Metallblasinstrumentenmacher auf Deutschsprachigem Gebiet von 1500 bis Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Scheider, 2010.

Hofer, Achim, et al. Lexikon der Holzblasinstrumente. Laaber. 2018, p. 272.

Jansen, Will. The Bassoon: Its History, Construction, Makers, Players and Music. Frits. Knuf, 1978 Vol. 1, p. 371, 372.

Waterhouse, William. The New Langwill Index. London: Tony Bingham, 1993.

Young, Phillip. 4900 Historical Woodwind Instruments.Tony Bingham, 1993.

Young, Phillip. Loan Exhibition of Historic Double Reed Instruments. August 1988, p. 66.

Floth, Johann, 9 key bassoon; Floth1-O-Waterhouse

Floth1-O-Waterhouse General Information

Floth1-O-Waterhouse-Wg1 & Wg2 Data Spreadsheet

Floth1-O-Waterhouse Photos